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Art & design

Introduction to Art and Design

At East Dene School we are artists! Our Art and Design curriculum has been designed after identifying barriers for children and creating four concepts known as our school drivers. Our school drivers are;

  • creative collaborators,
  • aspiring minds,
  • memory makers
  • our family, our community, our world.

We plan, deliver and evaluate our lessons by looking at the end points for drawing, painting and sculpture and the key learning they need to have been taught. Our curriculum provides all of our children from EYFS to Year 6, with opportunities to practice and develop skills and knowledge following a sequence of lessons. The sequence of lessons includes: understanding and explaining key vocabulary, exploring an artist and their artwork, practicing and developing new skills and techniques (drawing, paint or sculpture), creating a final piece of art work and evaluating their final piece. The topics provide our children with the knowledge of various artists (past and present day) and how to develop key elements of art such as; line, colour, shape, form, texture and tone. We allow children to develop and practice their skills and techniques over a number of lessons before applying them to a final piece of artwork. This allows our children to showcase their knowledge and skills they have acquired.