Spotlight Days
During the course of the year we will be celebrating different topics based around the children’s personal, social, health and emotional development. This will be done through a celebration day each half term based on a particular topic. We will be calling these ‘Spotlight Days’.
During the course of the year we will be celebrating different topics based around the children’s personal, social, health and emotional development. This will be done through a celebration day which is based on a particular topic. We will be calling these ‘Spotlight Days’.
Our Spotlight Days are designed to help children understand and grow in topics such as self-awareness, mental wellness and physical health.
During the Spotlight Day children will be taking part in activities in class and we will also have visitors in school to support children during different workshops.
Below are the dates and topics for the ‘Spotlight Days’ planned throughout 2022 – 2023.
Autumn one– One brain, One body (wellbeing) – Friday 14th Oct 2022
Autumn 2- Reach out (Friendship/Antibullying)– Monday 14th November 2022
Spring 1 – Together we can stay safe online (E Safety) -Wednesday 8th February 2023
Spring 2 – 999 what’s your emergency? (First Aid) Friday 24th March 2023
Summer 2 – We are family (Relationships) Wednesday 7th June 2023
Download the Spotlight Days 2022_2023
On the 25th September we had our first Spotlight Day based around mental health. During the day children learnt about how it is important to keep our minds healthy as well as our bodies. They thought about what mindfulness means and how this can help them to keep mentally fit. The children all took part in different mindfulness activities and used techniques to help them stay calm and relaxed so they could focus on the present moment.
Take a look at our video to see all wonderful work we did during this spotlight day.
Take a look at some of our photos to find out about some of our real news.
As a school we have held our first Spotlight Day of 2021-2022 which focused on wellbeing. Classes planned their day around teaching children about the importance of looking after their mental health. Throughout the day children took part in a variety of activities ranging from mindfulness activities to creating their own worry dolls. A select number of children were chosen from each of the classes to spend time with our Learning Mentors so they could develop their skills in expressing their emotions and also talking about any worries they have. Our Learning Mentors then gave these children strategies to help overcome any worries they have.
This half term we have focused on our similarities and differences and celebrated cultures from all around the world. Each phase focused on different cultures from all over the world so that children could gain a better understanding of the people who make up our communities. We talked about what we mean by racism and how this can affect people. Children across the school also accessed virtual workshops with Ann Foxley Johnson which helped them gain more knowledge around race.
As a school we have looked into how we can build positive relationships online and show respect to other internet users. We have talked about how to do this in a safe manner and ways we can keep ourselves safe when using the internet. Children across school made pledges about how they would keep safe and who they would tell if needed help online. Children also took part in a competition to design a t-shirt about keeping safe online and the winner had it made for them to wear.
On April 1st children celebrated their Spotlight Day which focused on keeping healthy. Children listened to an introductory assembly which focused on sleep, diet, exercise and links with mental health. They then spent the day focusing on varying health activities ranging from smoothie making to fitness with Joe Wickes.