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East Dene Values

East Dene Values

At East Dene Primary we nurture our children in 6 core values and attitudes that we feel will enable them to become an active citizen, contributing positively to our community and the modern world around them. We believe that through promoting these core values we create a strong learning environment for our children, and further develop their social and relationship skills that will last throughout their lives. Through meeting with parents, staff and school council, we created six values that are incorporated throughout the children’s learning. These values are:

  1. Respect
  2. Friendship
  3. Resilience
  4. Kindness
  5. Responsibility
  6. Empathy

Each half term, one of these values will be celebrated, and will be incorporated into the children’s learning.  Using these values, children will discover the very best of themselves, enabling them to be prepared for their lives in the future.

As our children demonstrate the half-termly value they are awarded a special sticker and at the end of the half-term each class will choose 2 children who have embodied the value to become a Values Ambassador and as a result are awarded a badge as well as having their photograph displayed in school.