Early help
Early help is the support we give to children and their families (with a rotherham postcode) where they have additional needs that are not being met by universal services (services that are available to everyone, like health and education).
When a family has additional needs, we make sure they have access to the support they need at the earliest possible stage, to prevent their needs becoming so great that they require a higher level of more specialist support further down the line.
Rotherham early help is available for children and young people up to the age of 19 (25 if they have learning development needs or disabilities) and their families.
If your family needs additional support, you could receive early help from one or a number of services, which could include family support workers, targeted youth support, school nurses, speech and language therapists, housing workers, NHS staff and services in the voluntary and community sector. East Dene Primary School works closely with our multi-agencies partners to provide the most appropriate support for our children and families.