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School Day

Children will be allowed into the playground from 8.35 am and then into classrooms from 8.40am.  There will be a range of morning activities available to support and further your child’s learning.


Start Time End Time
FS1 am session 9:00am 12:00pm
FS1 pm session 12:30pm 3:30pm
FS2 8:40am 3:15pm
KS1 8:40am 3:15pm
KS2 8:40am 3:15pm


Please note that children who go home for lunch should not return until their afternoon session is due to start.  Please speak to your child’s class teacher to confirm times or contact the school office on 01709 512202.

Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 must be met by a responsible adult at the end of the day. If you cannot meet your child and your child is to be met by someone else please advise our staff.