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How We Teach PE


At East Dene Primary School, our vision is to encourage children to engage in healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of physical activity and a healthy diet. Our key objective is to ensure that children have a positive relationship with food and physical activity when they leave primary school. We hope that this positive relationship will continue through their adolescent and adult life. We aim to provide at least 30 minutes physical activity for children across the school day, including PE lessons and active playtimes (with the other recommended 30 minutes coming outside of school time).

During PE lessons and competition, we will develop children’s understanding of fairness, sportsmanship, team work, passion, compromise and playing within rules. If children develop these skills, it will positively impact on their social relationships both within school (such as during playtimes) and outside of school as well.

By the time children leave East Dene we will develop children’s leadership skills as they progress through school. Leadership encourages children to be independent, good communicators, motivators, be organised and take control of their and their peers’ activity levels in schools.

Overall, we would like children to use physical activity to develop themselves as a whole person- mentally, physically, personally and socially.


PE lessons

There will be 2 hours of timetabled PE lessons for every pupil where possible, which will allow pupils to build their knowledge of basic skills that can be applied to a range of different games and sports.

Teachers will encourage all children to participate in PE lessons and will reference how exercise helps the body in different ways.

Using the links with Live and Learn Sports, teachers will be upskilled to deliver high quality PE lessons of their own by working alongside the sports coaches. Teachers will gradually take on more responsibility in these lessons so they become coach supported rather than coach lead.

The long term plan will reflect different needs throughout the year and will be planned around children participating in inter-school fixtures. They will therefore have the skills needed to be competitive within those fixtures.

Swimming will take place for an initial 12 weeks in year 4. Extra sessions will be provided for children who don’t reach the national curriculum within the initial 12-week period.

Extra-curricular clubs

Children in all year groups will have the opportunity to participate in after school clubs ran by Live and Learn sports coaches. These sports vary every half term to allow the children to have access to a wide range of skills and apply those skills to different sports. Clubs are promoted through letter distribution and by class teachers, especially if the clubs are under subscribed. Attendance at these clubs is tracked by the PE subject leader. Some clubs will be by invitation only so children who are seemed to be under active (both in and out of school) are targeted by class teachers.

CPD for teachers

Teachers will work alongside the Live and Learn sports coaches to develop their PE teaching skills. Each teacher has an opportunity to support the coach at the beginning of the term. As the term progresses, they will lead more of the session and the coach will support the teacher. By the end of each term, the teacher will be fully leading the sessions with the support of the coach. When the teacher independently repeats these lessons, perhaps the following year, the standard will be equal to that of the coach.


Children will be given the opportunity to participate in both intra and inter sport competitions. At the end of each unit of work, children will participate in an intra-class competition to showcase the skills they have learnt. This will allow children to develop their competitive skills in a friendly environment as well as building humility, compassion, communication and pride. Teachers will follow the Sports Games rules.

As part of the Live and Learn sports provision and the School Games programme, children will have the opportunity to compete in inter-school competition against local schools after school and during school time. This allows children to showcase their skills in an unfamiliar environment and compete against unfamiliar children. We will endeavour to select as many children as we can to participate in these sports to give as many children as possible the experience of competitive sport to develop skills such as teamwork and respecting others.

Links with other agencies

At East Dene, we have a link to the Rotherham United Community Sports Trust. The year 5 children access the move and learn programme, which combines PE sessions with a classroom based session. The classroom based session teaches children about the importance of exercise, activity and healthy eating. These sessions are valuable in the development of children’s self-awareness and reflection of their own lifestyles. We also have strong links with Rotherham Titans Rugby Club. The club has delivered practical staff CPD based on multi-sports, which has enabled staff to be more confident in teaching skills and also offered children specialist rugby sessions. A number of children have also joined the club on a competitive basis as well as offering children the opportunity to watch the matches for a reduced cost.

Active leaders

In year 6, various children are trained to become an active leader by Live and Learn coaches. These children are timetabled to lead different activities on the playground at lunch times for KS2. These activities and games are vital to promote being active at lunch times and promote daily exercise. This is regularly monitored by lunch time staff and the PE subject leader.

Active Award

The Active Award will be given each week to a child in each class who has made an extra effort to become more active. Reasons for receiving the award might be becoming more active at breaktime, attending and after school club for the first time, taking part in competitive sport or showing more commitment in a PE session. Teachers are encouraged to talk with their class about who they think might receive the award so the importance of increasing activity becomes more high profile in the classroom.


Assessment will be used by the Live and Learn coaches using ‘entering’, ‘developing’ and ‘secure’. We will expect to see a rise in the number of ‘secure’ children across the year groups.

Over the course the year, the School Games Mark criteria will be tracked. We will maintain our bronze mark and continue to work towards the silver criteria.

Continue to participate in Live and Learn fixtures and tournaments wherever possible. There should be an increase in attendance at the events.

Tracking will show new children taking part in the after school clubs. Children will also be invited to certain after school clubs and this will be tracked.

There will be a greater number of children reaching the national curriculum standard in swimming.

Children will be able to explain how to keep healthy and why it’s important.