Concepts – PSHE
At East Dene Primary School we follow the Jigsaw Scheme of work to support our work around PSHE. The key concepts within the Jigsaw PSHE scheme are:
- Being Me in My World – Focuses on understanding one’s place in the class, school and global community as well as devising learning charters.
- Celebrating Difference – Explores diversity, respect for others and bullying.
- Dreams and Goals – Sets goals and aspirations for the future and understands how to overcome challenges.
- Healthy Me – Covers physical and mental health, lifestyle choices, managing stress and puberty.
- Relationships – Nurtures healthy relationships and positive communication with others. Discusses families, friendships and online relationships.
- Changing Me – Explores transition and coping with change. Covers reproduction, human development and age-appropriate sex education.
Each concept builds on the last to create a spiral curriculum. Social and emotional skills like self-reflection, empathy, teamwork and critical thinking are reinforced across each concept.
Jigsaw also emphasizes mindfulness and student voice.