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How Parents/Carers Can Help – PSHE

How Parents/Carers Can Help

Personal, Social and Health Education is such an important subject to talk to your children about. It will allow them to understand how to become a responsible and respectful young adult as well as giving them the life skills to help them in the future.

Ways you can help

  • Talk to your children about they are feeling whether this during exciting or difficult times.
  • Try to name different feelings to help them to understand how they might be feeling and explain that ALL feelings are ok.
  • Discuss how to keep yourself safe including road safety, the dangers in drugs and alcohol and the use of household items.
  • Talk about medicines and how these can make us better but also the need for using them safely.
  • Talk to your children about what being a good friend means and help them to understand what bullying.
  • Discuss what a healthy relationship means and about how people can have different families.
  • Explain how it is important that we have rules in place for both school, home and the community
  • Explain to them about their own body and how this will change as they get older.
  • Talk about how to look after themselves both physically and mentally
  • Discuss the value of money and the importance of this.
  • Explain about different cultures, religions and sexualities with your children.
  • Encourage your children to have a healthy diet and explain why each food is important.
  • Ensure your child is using the internet safely and responsibly and explain the importance of this.