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Year 1

  Autumn 1
7 Weeks
Autumn 2
8 Weeks
Spring 1
6 Weeks
Spring 2
5 Weeks
Summer 1
6 Weeks
Summer 2
7 Weeks
Topic Superhero Me! Frozen A Long Time Ago

(Castles and Traditional Tales)

Under the Sea  Space How does your garden grow?

(Living and Growing, Farmyard)

Wow (Visit/Visitors) Local Walk/Park

Local heroes – Fire Engine and talk with Fireman

Visually Literacy – St Ann’s Enterprise Conisbrough Castle

Bolsover Castle

The Deep Space Dome


Strawberry Picking

Local Park

Wigfield Farm/ Hatching chicks

Family Learning Super hero bottles Experiment – Ice quest Design and decorate the queens Knickers- Enterprise (Money) Under the sea creature costume How to catch an alien Animal Habitats

Planting sunflowers, decorating a pot

Literacy Genre Captions and labels

Fact file – non chron

Funny bones – poetry / story


Weather diary


Weather poems

(the queens knickers- story)

Recount of trip, letter

Persuasion – Poster

Jack and the beanstalk


Information/Non- chronological

Rainbow fish




Persuasion – Poster


Enormous Turnip –Explanation and Dialogue

Fact file – non chron


The Very Busy Spider

Numeracy Counting, Addition and subtraction, addition totals to 10, properties of shape, addition and subtraction to 10. Counting and number order, places value and comparing quantities, developing mental strategies, subtraction as difference, measures. Adding and subtracting with money, reading and writing number patterns, doubles, grouping and sharing, fractions, measures and time. Counting and place value, Number bonds to 10 and beyond, grouping and sharing, shape, position and movement, measuring and time Addition and subtraction totals to 10/20, fractions, multiplication and division, measuring, moving and turning. Number and place value, addition and subtraction, fractions, Multiplication and division, time and using standard units, addition totals to 10.
Science Body and senses

Materials (Homes and clothes)


Seasonal changes Materials (clothing)

Banquet Food, changing materials, bread.

Animals – Fish, animals, mammals Forces /Pulleys used to move rockets

Clothes and costumes- testing fabrics

Plants and Trees

Conditions for growing


History Changes in living memory

Florence Nightingale (SHF)(Story Time)


 Time lines Significant historicalfigures The Queen(story book)

Significant local people

Coat of Arms (shields)

Travelling through time, changes in boats, submarines Historical Figures, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Neil Armstrong The way farms have changed, machinery
Geography Local Area (Park)

Using Compasses, making maps, plans

Countries and UK capital

Seasonal daily weather Geographical language, Compass and directions Geographical language


Environments compare and contrast via planets

Using Compasses, making maps, plans

Weather –experiments conditions to grow

Maps / photographs compare farm land to town

DT Designing super hero clothes and home


Design umbrellas, wellies

Stickman – dress a toy for all seasons

Design and Making the Queens Knickers. Winding mechanism – under water scene  Design and create own alien

Spaceships – Mod rock

Clothes and costumes- testing fabrics


Design and make ice- cream

Sewing Spider webs

Art Paint themselves and super heroes Frozen / winter pictures Portraits of the queen, design patterns for the Knickers Clay fish plaque

Paint sea creatures/underwater scenes

 Icky Doo Dah inspired alien drawings with different medias. Garden pictures, trees, plants

Garden sewing.

Animal prints,

Paint farm animals

Mod rock animals

PSHE/SEAL Friends and Friendships


Focus on Special People Keeping Healthy Growing and Changing Keeping myself safe


The world of drugs
RE Myself: who I am? Celebrations: how What matters at Christmas? Stories: What stories of Jesus do Christians love to tell? Stories: Islamic stories? Festivals: How do Muslims celebrate? Churches and synagogues, what can we find out?


Throwing and catching skills Dance – Banquet dance for ball Gymnastics Movement Space representation via dance, music and songs Communication and target work skills