Year 1
Autumn 1 7 Weeks |
Autumn 2 8 Weeks |
Spring 1 6 Weeks |
Spring 2 5 Weeks |
Summer 1 6 Weeks |
Summer 2 7 Weeks |
Topic | Superhero Me! | Frozen | A Long Time Ago
(Castles and Traditional Tales) |
Under the Sea | Space | How does your garden grow?
(Living and Growing, Farmyard) |
Wow (Visit/Visitors) | Local Walk/Park
Local heroes – Fire Engine and talk with Fireman |
Visually Literacy – St Ann’s Enterprise | Conisbrough Castle
Bolsover Castle |
The Deep | Space Dome
Strawberry Picking
Local Park Wigfield Farm/ Hatching chicks |
Family Learning | Super hero bottles | Experiment – Ice quest | Design and decorate the queens Knickers- Enterprise (Money) | Under the sea creature costume | How to catch an alien | Animal Habitats
Planting sunflowers, decorating a pot |
Literacy Genre | Captions and labels
Fact file – non chron Funny bones – poetry / story
Weather diary
Instructions Weather poems |
(the queens knickers- story)
Recount of trip, letter Persuasion – Poster Jack and the beanstalk |
Information/Non- chronological Rainbow fish |
Instructions Diaries Persuasion – Poster
Enormous Turnip –Explanation and Dialogue
Fact file – non chron Poetry The Very Busy Spider |
Numeracy | Counting, Addition and subtraction, addition totals to 10, properties of shape, addition and subtraction to 10. | Counting and number order, places value and comparing quantities, developing mental strategies, subtraction as difference, measures. | Adding and subtracting with money, reading and writing number patterns, doubles, grouping and sharing, fractions, measures and time. | Counting and place value, Number bonds to 10 and beyond, grouping and sharing, shape, position and movement, measuring and time | Addition and subtraction totals to 10/20, fractions, multiplication and division, measuring, moving and turning. | Number and place value, addition and subtraction, fractions, Multiplication and division, time and using standard units, addition totals to 10. |
Science | Body and senses
Materials (Homes and clothes)
Seasonal changes | Materials (clothing)
Banquet Food, changing materials, bread. |
Animals – Fish, animals, mammals | Forces /Pulleys used to move rockets
Clothes and costumes- testing fabrics |
Plants and Trees
Conditions for growing Animals |
History | Changes in living memory
Florence Nightingale (SHF)(Story Time)
Time lines | Significant historicalfigures The Queen(story book)
Significant local people Coat of Arms (shields) |
Travelling through time, changes in boats, submarines | Historical Figures, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Neil Armstrong | The way farms have changed, machinery |
Geography | Local Area (Park)
Using Compasses, making maps, plans Countries and UK capital |
Seasonal daily weather | Geographical language, Compass and directions | Geographical language
Oceans |
Environments compare and contrast via planets
Using Compasses, making maps, plans |
Weather –experiments conditions to grow
Maps / photographs compare farm land to town |
DT | Designing super hero clothes and home
Design umbrellas, wellies
Stickman – dress a toy for all seasons |
Design and Making the Queens Knickers. | Winding mechanism – under water scene | Design and create own alien
Spaceships – Mod rock Clothes and costumes- testing fabrics |
Design and make ice- cream Sewing Spider webs |
Art | Paint themselves and super heroes | Frozen / winter pictures | Portraits of the queen, design patterns for the Knickers | Clay fish plaque
Paint sea creatures/underwater scenes |
Icky Doo Dah inspired alien drawings with different medias. | Garden pictures, trees, plants
Garden sewing. Animal prints, Paint farm animals Mod rock animals |
PSHE/SEAL | Friends and Friendships
Focus on Special People | Keeping Healthy | Growing and Changing | Keeping myself safe
E-safety |
The world of drugs |
RE | Myself: who I am? | Celebrations: how What matters at Christmas? | Stories: What stories of Jesus do Christians love to tell? | Stories: Islamic stories? | Festivals: How do Muslims celebrate? | Churches and synagogues, what can we find out? |
PE |
Gymnastics |
Throwing and catching skills | Dance – Banquet dance for ball | Gymnastics Movement | Space representation via dance, music and songs | Communication and target work skills |