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Extra Curricular Offer

Breakfast Club

Children from Reception to Year 6 are welcome to join us for breakfast every morning from 8:00am until 8:40am. Parents do not need to book a place and a minimal charge of 50p per day allows children access to an unlimited amount to eat and drink. Breakfast Club is free to those children who are eligible for free school meals. Children are offered a range of cereal, fruit and toast and a range of engaging activities are always available. Breakfast Club is supervised by school staff.

Extra-Curricular Clubs

At East Dene Primary School we offer a range of exciting after school clubs for our children to enjoy. Many of these clubs are run by outside providers and are free of charge. Clubs range from sporting activities to cookery and crafts. We also have a number of clubs which are open to parents and children. At the end of each half term an extra-curricular club letter will be sent out to all families detailing the clubs available to access during the following half term. Our after-school clubs are very popular and it is advisable to return slips as soon as possible, in order to secure a place for your child.


Autumn 1
Day Activity Time Length Cost
Monday Y6 Revision 3:15pm 16th of September until End of year. Free
Monday Football Coaching 3:15pm 16th of September to 14th of October £5
Tuesday Nerf Wars 3:15pm 17th of September to 15th of October £5
Thursday Boxing 3:15pm 19th of September to 17th of October £5


Day Trips

At East Dene Primary we aim to provide pupils with rich opportunities for educational visits throughout the school year. School trips provide pupils with real life experiences, making learning meaningful while supporting pupil engagement with curriculum topics. Children within all year groups are invited to attend trips within the local area as well as beyond. When planning where to visit, teachers take into account trip costs such as travel, entry and workshops. While the school works hard to minimise the cost of educational visits and always subsidises these for all pupils, there may be some occasions where parents are asked to voluntarily contribute towards their child’s attendance on the visit.

Residential Visits

When in Year 5 and Year 6 children are given the opportunity to take part in residential visits. Swapping urban life for rural surroundings, these residentials are packed full of adventure with outdoor learning activities. The school subsidises a percentage of the cost per pupil and provides parents with the option of making payments over a fixed period of time.

In addition to this our Year 6 pupils are offered a learning revision residential weekend in May, prior to the end of Key Stage 2 statutory tests. The residential is fully funded through the academy, CLPT. Pupils have the opportunity to revise for their SATs as well as accessing a range of outdoor education activities. The weekend is always a great success.