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Pupil Premium

Introduced in 2011, the pupil premium is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged children.

This is based on research showing that children from low income families perform less well at school than their peers. Often, children who are entitled to pupil premium face challenges such as poor language and communication skills, less family support, lack of confidence and issues with attendance and punctuality. The pupil premium grant is intended to directly benefit the children who are eligible, helping to diminish differences between them and their classmates.

What Makes a Child Eligible

Schools are given a pupil premium grant for:

  • Children who have qualified for free school meals at any point in the past six years. The school receives £1345.00 for each of these children. Children don’t currently have to be FSM to be Pupil Premium.
  • Children who have been looked after under local authority care for more than one day. These children are awarded a premium of £2345.00.

East Dene Pupil Premium Mission

  • ALL staff to deliver high quality lessons for ALL pupils.
  • ALL children to have strong self-belief, to be ambitious and secure in setting aspirational personal goals.
  • Cultural creativity to be embedded in the curriculum, offering ALL children varied and rich experiences which broaden horizons.
  • ALL staff to be accountable for the outcomes of ALL children.

We are committed to enabling all pupils to achieve to the best of their abilities.  We have high aspirations and ambitions for our children and we believe that no child should be left behind.  We strongly believe that it is not about where you come from but your passion and thirst for knowledge, and your dedication and commitment to learning that make the difference between success and failure.  We intend to invest our pupil premium grant in better learning and will, therefore, allocate money to raise the aspirations and achievement of our children from more disadvantaged backgrounds. We believe that one of the biggest barriers to learning for children can be poverty of expectation and aspiration – and so we are determined to create a climate that does not limit a child’s potential in any way.

Some ways we spend our Pupil Premium

  • Extra one-to-one or small-group support for children within the classroom.
  • Employing extra teaching assistants to work with classes.
  • Running catch-up sessions before or after school, for example for children who need extra help with Maths or English.
  • Running a school breakfast club to improve attendance.
  • Funding educational trips and visits.
  • Paying for additional help such as speech and language therapy or family therapy.

Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure Report

September 2019 – August 2020

Number of Pupils and Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)
Total number pupils on roll (excluding F1) 306 (January 2019 Census)
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG  (FSM + 6Ever) 115 (January 2019 Census)   38%
Amount PPG received per pupil £1,320 – F2 – Y6 pupils

£2,300 – any child registered as Looked After

Total Amount of PPG £151,800
Next review of this strategy February 2020 – Internal Review to be led by CoG


Background and Context of PPG
PPG was introduced for pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point over the last six years with the intention of closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged children.  This is at a rate of £1,320 per child set from 2017/2018 and has remained the same amount since this time.

There are no guidelines on how this money can be spent, although performance tables now contain information about the impact schools have made on closing the gap between different groups.

Schools must evidence strategies in place to raise the attainment of FSM pupils and what the associated costs are alongside attainment and progress figures for this group of children.

‘The Sutton Trust’ produced a report assessing a range of strategies which could be linked to Pupil Premium funding and could be used to improve attainment based on effectiveness and value for money.  This will be used at East Dene Primary to help strike a balance between effectiveness and cost.

Since 2012 we have been required to publish details of our PPG on our website, which must include:

  • The amount of the school’s allocation
  • Details of how it is intended to be spent
  • Details of how the previous years allocation was spent
  • The effect of the expenditure on the attainment of the pupils the grant was intended for

This should be an overall breakdown of funding and how effective it has proved.


Rationale & Key Principles of PPG
Key Principles

At East Dene Primary school we have four key principles which we believe will maximise the impact of our pupil premium spending.

Ø  ALL staff to deliver high quality lessons for ALL pupils. This will be achieved through:

Having a focused QA systems which informs all CPD

Personalised support packages offered for members of staff new to the profession (NQTs/RQTs)

Support staff invited to weekly CPD sessions

Regular master classes for all staff to focus on the development of phonics and early reading skills

Weekly teaching and learning briefings

Improve staff subject knowledge and understanding across the curriculum by accessing subject leader network meetings

Ensuring support is given to teachers who need to improve their practice and expertise.

Ø  ALL children to have strong self-belief, to be ambitious and secure in setting aspirational personal goals. This will be achieved through:

Improving attendance and punctuality

Providing personalised support for families

Building links with pupils and schools across the country

Enabling children to access a wide variety of enrichment activities

Increasing opportunities to visit areas beyond the local community

Providing additional support through ‘Nurture Group’ for pupils with additional and specific needs

Building Learning Power

Teachers to provide high quality interventions

Celebrating children’s strengths, both inside and outside of school

All staff to promote a love of learning

Linking with Future Aspirations project

Ø  Cultural creativity to be embedded in the curriculum, offering ALL children varied and rich experiences which broaden horizons.

Increasing opportunities to visit places beyond the local community

Increasing the number of first hand experiences for all children

Offering residential visits

Accessing a wide range of enrichment opportunities

Ensuring a wide and balanced curriculum for all children

Ø  ALL staff to be accountable for the outcomes of ALL children.

All staff to attend half termly pupil progress meetings to identify strengths and weaknesses and adapt teaching to meet the needs of all learners

Subject leaders to analyse data for their subject area and plan CPD from this to address needs

To set aspirational targets for all pupils

Intervention programmes to be delivered to children identified as requiring additional support

All staff to attend cross-hub moderation sessions to ensure accuracy of teacher judgements

To raise attainment through improved provision, making links where relevant to current research (EEF)

To participate in projects such as The Craft of Writing to promote research

We are committed to enabling all pupils to achieve to the best of their abilities.  We have high aspirations and ambitions for our children and we believe that no child should be left behind.  We strongly believe that it is not about where you come from but your passion and thirst for knowledge, and your dedication and commitment to learning that make the difference between success and failure.  We intend to invest our pupil premium grant in better learning and will, therefore, allocate money to raise the aspirations and achievement of our children from more disadvantaged backgrounds. We believe that one of the biggest barriers to learning for children can be poverty of expectation and aspiration – and so we are determined to create a climate that does not limit a child’s potential in any way.


Barriers to Future Attainment
In-School Barriers (issues to be addressed in school)
Limited oral language and communication skills for many of our children entering school, including pupil premium children.  This impacts on Reading, Writing and Maths progress in subsequent years.
Communication, interaction and engagement skills are significantly lower for the majority of pupils on entry.
Lack of parental support with Reading at home slows progress in subsequent years.
Social communication and behavioural difficulties for a small group of children across KS2 (mostly eligible for PP) are having detrimental effect on their academic progress.
Social, emotional and mental health needs are significantly lower for the majority of pupils (pupil=premium and non-pupil premium eligible)
Lack of resilience and failing concentration throughout the day due to poor nutrition attributed to some children not having breakfast.
External Barriers (issues which require action outside of school)
Lower attendance and punctuality rates for pupils eligible for PP.  This reduces their school hours and/or prevents them accessing the start of the lessons to fall behind on average.

Significant number of disadvantaged pupils identified as PA (2018 – 2019)

Lack of meaningful experiences outside of school which impact on aspiration and ambition for future educational choices.
Limited parental interactions impact on language development in its earliest stages.



  1. Ensure the basic needs of our children are met so that they are able to access learning and experience personal success e.g. Maslow’s physiological aspects within the hierarchy of needs.
  2. Ensure children attend school regularly and punctually (in line with the school target) and that no child becomes PA
  3. Enable children to have high self-esteem, self-confidence and ambition
  4. Enable children to access school provision in its widest sense e.g. creative and sporting activities
  5. Provide children with effective feedback so that this helps them gain a clear understanding of what they need to do in order to improve
  6. Involve parents in supporting their children’s learning
  7. Provide children with collaborative learning opportunities e.g. group intervention support
  8. Provide children with a confident and skilled staff
  9. Support children to make at least good progress so that they are high attaining
  10. To accelerate the progress made in reading, writing and maths for identified groups of pupils


  1. To diminish differences between all groups of learners
  2. Provide children with first hand experiences to use as meaningful starting points for learning e.g. visits and visitors



2019/2020 Plan

Project Objective
Breakfast Club Provision 1, 2
Extra-Curricular Activities 2,3,4,7,8,9
Additional Staffing to support targeted learning across the Key Stages 5,7,8,9,10,11
Visits/Visitors to support and enhance learning 2,4,12
Early Reading/Phonics support 8,9,10,11
Intervention Packages & staff CPD 3,5,7,8,9,10,11
Enhanced Nurture Provision (greater emphasis on mental health and wellbeing) 1,2,3,8,10
Parental Involvement & Home Support Packs 6,9,10,11










PPG Project Spending
Project Cost Objective Outcome/Success Criteria
Breakfast Club Approx. 50 children

£2.50 per week x 39 wks = £97.50 per year, per pupil  =  £4,875

£6,500 – 3 members of staff

£3,000 – Resources and catering

Total – £14,375

To ensure children’s basic needs are met so they are ready to learn

To improve punctuality rates

To raise children’s self esteem

To provide opportunities to socialise

To increase number of pupils who attend Breakfast Club.

% of ‘lates’ decrease

Number of pupils eligible for PP who are identified as PA children decrease.

Rise in individual pupil’s attendance can be seen over a period of time.

Pupils in receipt of PP are provided with a fully subsidised breakfast club provision every morning.

Extra Curricula Activities Live & Learn – to plan, deliver & evaluate 3 sports based clubs per week. (1 x KS1, 1x KS2 & lunchtime club)

£35.00 per session

£105.00 per week x 39 weeks

Total for L & L- £4,095

John Bell – £300

To organise a programme of after school clubs involving opportunities for parents and children to learn creatively together.

Staff to run after school clubs (no charge for children to attend) – refer to Lists & Rotas book for full list of activities provided.

Total – £5,000

To raise children’s self-esteem and confidence

To provide opportunities to socialise

To increase involvement in wider outcomes

To support parents in learning alongside their children

% of pupils eligible for PPG attending clubs increases
Additional members of staff  Total – £120,165 Additional teacher across each phase


Additional L3 teaching assistant in EYFS.

Dedicated HLTA hours for Y6 x 2 days per week


To teach English, Maths & Whole Class Reading in smaller groups in key year groups to ensure good progress/outcomes based on prior attainment.


Smaller groups so as to raise attainment for all children with particular regard to vulnerable groups as identified on the Electronic Mapping Attainment Grids (EMAGs)

To identify children who need additional support in Maths, Reading or Writing and to target through small group intervention sessions


SENDCo/ Head of Pastoral Care (Pupil Premium Champion) to be non-classed based.  Support through interventions offered to identified groups of children and families.

Improved outcomes for children eligible for PP based on their prior attainment.

Key Year Groups – increased % of children achieving/exceeding national average


Interventions overcome barriers to learning and pupils eligible for PP make accelerated progress across Key Stages in Reading, Writing and Maths through focused intervention programmes.

Parents of pupils eligible for PP attend meetings and adult learning sessions to support their child.

Visits/Visitors – subsidised Y5/6 –Outdoor Education Residential

28 children x £90

Total – £2,520 subsidised + additional member of staff (SB)

School Visits/Visitors in –A minimum of 3 visits per year for each year group to be subsidised

Total for school visits- £2000

Total for year – £4520

To reduce pressure of affording school visits, ensure that children attend on visit days and access experiences which will enhance their cultural knowledge. Pupils, who are eligible for PP, access relevant experiences to support their learning and enrich their education.

All children have the opportunity to attend all school visits

The curriculum is enhanced (see yearly plans) and aspirations are raised.

Early Reading/Phonics Support All children in F2 to receive a high quality reading book each half-term.

Support to be given to parents/carers as to how to share this book with the children and to provide them with a range of activities linked to the text to carry out at home.

Total – £1000

To provide parents with resources in order to support learning at home.


Provide extensive supports for parents.


To work closely with parents to enable them to support their child’s early phonic/reading skills at home.

Pupils eligible for PP to make accelerated progress

Pupils eligible for PP show increased levels of engagement and enthusiasm in their learning

Intervention Packages + Resources & continuing staff CPD KS1/2 RWInc – £1000 (continued adult training to access RWI updates & additional resources – including weekly release time for RWI leader to deliver Master Classes)

Test Base – renew subscription £240

School Improvement CPD – £3000

Total – £4,240

To provide staff with the skills and expertise to improve provision and outcomes for all children


All members of staff have the necessary skills and expertise to provide effective interventions for identified groups/individual children.


CPD (internal and external) ensures that all members of staff are able to provide quality first teaching with increasing percentages of outstanding teaching.



Pupils eligible for PP to make accelerated progress

Pupils eligible for PP show increased levels of engagement and enthusiasm in their learning

Home support packs & parent workshops CGP Revision Books & Test question booklets to be purchased for relevant year groups.

Release time for SLT members of staff to deliver 3 x parent workshops across the year based on English, Maths & phonic skills.

Early phonics resources (RWI Flash cards) to be purchased for parents to use with their children at home.

Total Cost – £1500

To provide parents with resources in order to support learning at home.


Provide extensive supports for parents.


To work closely with parents to enable them to support their child’s early phonic/reading skills at home.

Pupils eligible for PP to make accelerated progress.


Parents of pupils eligible for PP attend meetings and adult learning sessions to support their child.

Enhanced Nurture Provision CPD for Learning Mentors to enable them to deliver effective interventions for identified pupils.

Additional resources to be purchased to support the running of these groups.

Wellbeing Team – release time for these members of staff to access CPD to better support the mental health and wellbeing of identified pupils.

Total – £2,500

To ensure children’s emotional and social needs are met so that learning can take place. Pupils eligible for PP make accelerated progress/progress in line with their peers.

Pupils eligible for PP are able to regulate their emotions independently and fewer incidents logged on CPOMS.

Increase in attendance of identified pupils eligible for PP.

Total Projected Spend £153,300