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Our Vision

Vision and Values

At East Dene Primary School a culture of positivity and self-belief underpins all that we do, with our school motto being ‘We Can and We Will’

Our ambition at East Dene Primary School is to provide opportunities for all children to develop as independent, confident, successful and life-long learners, with high aspirations and the learning agility to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society now and in the future.  We aim to nurture all talents and to remove limits, inspiring all children to be the best that they can be.  Our curriculum firmly supports our vision and aims for our children, and encourages a culture and ethos which encourages the development of all involved in the whole school community.  Our school is committed to ensuring that the curriculum is broad and balanced, in order that the needs of all children are provided for, whatever their individual requirements.  We aim to make provision for academic achievement and spiritual, social, moral, cultural, physical and creative development of all our children.  We will value kindness, friendship, respect, responsibility, empathy and resilience and these will be celebrated across school.