Introduction to RSE
At East Dene Primary School we believe we can teach children Relationship and Sex Education through showing children how to build and form positive relationships with the people around them. We endeavour to show children that healthy relationships can mean many things to different people and want the children to understand what is meant by a healthy relationship. Children are also taught about how to keep themselves safe and the changes that happen to their body over time.
The impact our RSE curriculum at East Dene has is that it improves knowledge about health, sex and relationships in an age-appropriate way and helps safeguard our children from sexual abuse, exploitation and coercive relationships when they are taught about consent and boundaries from a young age.
It also promotes respect and values like empathy, care and compassion through teaching about different types of families and healthy relationships and helps address sexist attitudes, gender inequality and challenges gender stereotypes from early on.
Our curriculum is delivered in a sensitive manner which means that children are taught the biological facts around issues like menstruation which increases confidence in children to talk openly about RSE issues and ask questions in a safe environment. They are given knowledge and skills to stay safer online and interpret harmful content critically before encountering it.
All these skills and knowledge ensure they have a better transition to secondary school RSE from their prior learning.
Children at East Dene Primary School follow the Jigsaw Programme to help them develop their knowledge in Relationship and Sex Education. This is mainly covered in the ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing Me’ sections. To complement this knowledge children are also able to access ‘Big Talk’ workshops during the Summer Term and also workshops delivered by representatives from the Local Authority. Big Talk workshops have also been made accessible for parents and carers so they can broaden their understanding of what their child/ children will be learning as part of the Relationships and Sex Education.