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Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Intent

We Can and We Will

Our vision is for our children to become independent, confident, successful and life-long learners with high aspirations and the learning agility to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society now and in the future.

At East Dene Primary the curriculum firmly underpins our vision and aims for our children, and encourages a culture and ethos which supports the development of all involved in the whole school community. We want our children to fulfil their potential regardless of economic status, background or need.  Our school is committed to ensuring that the curriculum is broad and balanced, exposing children to enriching experiences, immersing them in progressive knowledge and skills; equipping them with personal characteristics required to succeed in life. We aim to make provision for academic achievement as well as the spiritual, social, moral, cultural, physical and creative development of all our children.

All children follow the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum. Our children are ensured access to the whole curriculum so that they may learn effectively, make progress and attain standards in line with, or better than, their prior attainment. The curriculum model is structured so that all elements of the National Curriculum are delivered progressively, building on prior learning, deepening knowledge that can then be applied using skills taught. Everything that happens in the school should be seen as a learning opportunity and will contribute to pupil’s academic, personal, social, moral, creative, physical and cultural development. Challenging yet attainable targets are set and scaffolds are carefully designed in order to help our children achieve this.

The curriculum we deliver not only develops knowledge and understanding within individual  subject areas but also the behaviours for learning which mean that children are both motivated and equipped with the skills and ability required to be successful in the future.  Our children develop skills which enable them to manage their own emotional health and well-being.  We are determined to ensure that our curriculum will provide learning opportunities and experiences that will equalize the life chances of our children. We ensure that all children are exposed to curriculum content which develops their critical thinking alongside their awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion, both within a local context and the wider world. We believe that this approach prepares our children for success within Secondary Education and beyond.


Key Curriculum Drivers

At East Dene Primary we have identified 4 main ‘drivers’ that personalise our curriculum and support the development of the whole child in order to prepare them for life beyond Primary school. These drivers are factors that we value and, are woven through the design of our curriculum, enhancing all learning opportunities.

  • Aspiring Minds – to encourage responsibility, enabling every child to become independent and ambitious;
  • Creative Collaborators – positive relationships are promoted and children are supported to confidently share their views and opinions;
  • Our Family, Our Community, Our World – developing essential skills to become good citizens, understanding and respecting diversities across a range of global cultures;
  • Memory Makers – through first-hand experience we aim to promote curiosity, fostering lively and enquiring minds to develop the ability to question and reason.

View East Dene Primary – Key Curriculum Drivers

Curriculum Implementation

At East Dene Primary we aim to bring learning to life by providing high quality teaching and inspirational learning which link to all areas of the curriculum.  Since September 2021 we have accessed the Cornerstones Curriculum and have used this as a vehicle to support our own curriculum design and approach, ensuring our curriculum is personalised, accessible for all and relevant for the community we serve.

A Connected Curriculum

To ensure that we develop concepts and revisit skills, we plan lessons that build on prior knowledge. We want our children to be able to make sense of everything we want them to know and be able to do. Teacher’s use subject progression documents when planning, so that necessary skills, knowledge and concepts are introduced, built on over time, revisited and assessed. The key knowledge for each topic is set out in a knowledge organiser. Through the knowledge organisers our children are able to familiarise themselves with some of the knowledge and concepts that they will be learning. This knowledge is reinforced throughout the unit of learning, and assessed using low-stakes assessments such as quizzes. A well connected curriculum will enable children to grow intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. It will enable them to seek out their passions, become increasingly knowledgeable and make sense of complex concepts.

Our broad, balanced and progressive curriculum teaches children through many first-hand experiences. Through what and how we teach, we aim to inspire our children to hold aspirations which they can turn into reality. There is also a high focus on language and communication throughout the units taught. We introduce children to rich vocabulary through key texts and linked activities built upon over time. Learning Mats are shared with parents and carers at the beginning of each new term, sharing information about the intended learning and how parents/carers can help.

Please refer to our ‘Curriculum – Big Picture’ document to see how our whole curriculum is connected and supports our overarching aim.

View East Dene Primary – Curriculum Big Picture









Long Term Overviews 2020 – 2021